Martijn It feels like Explore has been showing the same discussions to me for a couple of days now. Where on can I go to find active users?
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Noah M. I had the same reaction until I realized I was still looking at Trending and not Recent Explore
9y, 50w 2 replies
Martijn Recent definitely makes all the difference. I would almost say that page should be preferred over Trending. Or maybe the Trending algorithm needs an update to refresh on a slightly faster rate.
9y, 50w 1 reply
💬 Subreply See who's following who or find based on your interests -- they are sorted by their last activity.
9y, 50w 3 replies
Eric So the recent feed doesn't show me strangers posts?
9y, 50w reply
Martijn Didn't know about the page, where is that linked? I also completely missed the "recent" feed, thanks ! I blame the crowdedness of the submenu in Opera Mini. Now on my computer I see there is a feed called "members" under Explore, that one does not even show on my phone!
9y, 50w 1 reply