🏒 Lucian Marin I wanted to get an Asus Zenbook OLED to run Linux, but it seems Apple will bring OLED displays to MacBooks. I can wait.
☕ David Antoine Be careful with that. I've returned two HP Spectre X360 with the OLED 4K screen. They were bad, with horizontal banding and green tinted inconsistant patches, in both cases on the left side. Plus a highly visible PWM at low brightness. I was a fool. Now I exchanged those with a Legion 5 Pro. Not what I would have liked but it works OK. No wonder Apple still doesn't use OLED on their laptops...
3y, 4w 1 reply
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🏒 Lucian Marin I know the feeling, replaced 3 screens on my first MacBook Pro. But OLED will be a great improvement for coding, not to mention photography, design and simply watching videos.
3y, 4w reply