👉 Léo The general failure and ultimate collapse of the Texas power grid should forever be remembered as a failure of unregulated capitalism. For the numerous failures and tragedies broadly attributed to "socialism", I think it is fair to blame this on on capitalism.
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☕ David Antoine Wind turbines are a minority in Texas energy mix right? And you shouldn't rely on it to cover your spikes for obvious reasons. For what I know, TX power companies ensure a strictly minimal energy outpout with no regards for potential crisis situatioms. In fact, in case of crisis, as the blizzard that occurred, they will profit off of it by spiking electricity prices due to high demand /black outs. The excuse being : oh it's such a rare occurance, why spending for prevention?
3y, 25w reply
Zero Edge Money = motivation in capitalism. What motivation mechanisms are there with socialism? I would think that part of the reason we have advanced so far in the past few hundred years is largely because of the motivations provided by capitalism. Can it go too far? Obviously.. True capitalism means monopolies..
3y, 27w reply
🏀 Pr Interesting, i generally agree. capitalism is terrible at planning for the worst case scenario. See also: the pandemic
3y, 27w reply