🧐 Nrmn
I'm honestly not sure there are any except using a cross-compiled language. Almost everything is nowadays compiling to WASM. But there are other languages that compile directly to Javascript as well. For example dart.dev
🐢 Keb
Thanks, I think Haxe is also another option. However, I guess I'm looking for run-time type-checking modules, but doing a cursory search on npm pulls up tons of em, -- so I I'm wondering if anyone on Subreply has any recommendations there. :P
🧐 Nrmn
No recommendations for a runtime package from my side except that I would personally prefer compile time checks instead of putting the load onto the client.
🐢 Keb
Thanks. Likewise, I wouldn't wanna do that client-side either. This is a server-side Node app wherein I'm trying to keep the tooling to a minimum. :) I may adopt TypeScript in the future since it seems that's where the JS-world is headed...