🧐 Nrmn Sitting here with good coffee, a delicious cake and reasonably good wifi. And someone really asks me how I am. Is this even a question?!
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🐢 Keb +1 I've gotten into the habit of having evening coffee (sue me). That + a nice piece of coffee cake, doing a little bit of liesurely coding by my desk plant, Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" playing... what more can one ask for?
🧐 Nrmn That sounds like a perfect evening!
4y, 1w reply
🗨️ Fui I grined! It's the carving of the perfect happiness niche that truly amazes me. Your heavenly evening sounds very nice indeed
4y, 1w reply
🗨️ Fui That's the internaut's description of heaven: tasty food and drink, good access and time to mindlessly burn away on whatever please you. So, how wonderful are you really? ;)
4y, 1w 1 reply
🧐 Nrmn Now we're getting to the right questions!
4y, 1w reply