💩 Niklas What's your setup for personal backups? I've just started using restic on an old HDD I found, still looking for a good (cheap) SSD to buy. I think I should use at least two hard drives for backups, maybe even do some fancy RAID... By the way, this post serves as a REMINDER TO DO YOUR BACKUPS!
👨🏻‍💻 Moroni Oh, funny you asked that. One of my backup HDs is failing and I was stupid enough to not have that data in a second backup. I went to a data recovery lab and got an estimate of $400 to recover it. :(
··· 4y, 17w 3 replies
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💩 Niklas Ouch, $400 hurts, but at least they managed to recover it and you (hopefully) learned a lesson along the way and won't have to deal with a similar issue ever again :)
4y, 17w 2 replies
👨🏻‍💻 Moroni I'm gonna build my own data center. haha
4y, 17w 1 reply