💩 Niklas What's your setup for personal backups? I've just started using restic on an old HDD I found, still looking for a good (cheap) SSD to buy. I think I should use at least two hard drives for backups, maybe even do some fancy RAID... By the way, this post serves as a REMINDER TO DO YOUR BACKUPS!
Miso I realize I don't do much backups! Most of my work or files are in some shape or form on the cloud already. Which is scary now that I think about it.
4y, 17w 2 replies
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💩 Niklas Do you have those cloud backups encrypted? I thought about putting some encrypted backups on the cloud as well, just in case of a total catastrophe. But then again, is my data really that important in that case anymore?
4y, 17w 1 reply
Miso i actually don't have anything that's particularly encrypted. Maybe things will change, but for now, I don't have much things backed-up either.
4y, 17w reply