🧐 Nrmn Hello everyone. How's your week until now?
🗨️ Fui Good enough so far. Though I hope it will be better once I receive my first mechanical keyboard. I had been eyeing one for years and I finally decided it was about time to make that happen. So I anticipate I'll be drunk on excitement for the next days. And then I'll tell you: yeah, it's pretty awesome!
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👂 Sly I am in the same boat! It's been weeks and i still can't decide which one i should go with, Ortho vs regular? Plank EV vs Keychron k6 or DIY? Blue vs Brown switches? So many choices, it so hard!
··· 4y, 3w reply
😃 Javier Im pining for a the Code V3 87 Cherry Mix Green. (my 5th mechanical keyboard)
🗨️ Fui Have a link to that keyboard?
🧐 Nrmn Great, which Keyboard did you get?
🗨️ Fui Nothing fancy. Entry level. But with blue switches! And since the delivery gods decided to shine their graces upon me, I already have it with me. My verdict? Super satisfactory. So, in light of this, I can now reply to your original question: how's my week thus far? I can now confidently, and mechanically, reply: definitely awesome!
··· 4y, 3w 5 replies