👉 Léo As an engineer you quickly learn to appreciate how any dynamic system is just a series of energy connections. For example: any driver knows what the brake pedal does; a technician understands how it works, with the caliper pressing the pads against the disc; an engineer, however, understands that deceleration is nothing but a conversion of energy: from kinetic to heat. The car will lose velocity by the same rate as the brakes heat up. Power simply has to go somewhere.
··· 4y, 18w 6 replies ¬
🐵 Max As an engineer I'va always been confused about potential energies though.
4y, 18w 1 reply
👉 Léo I don't know what flavor of engineering you are in. I am in between mechanical and electrical, so I try to see any potential energy as a the behavior of a capacitor or a spring (the two are equivalent). Gravity is like a constant force spring pulling you towards the center of the planet. Heating up and cooling down a pizza stone is like charging and discharging a capacitor. Bond graphs helped me understand these equivalences: en.wikipedia.org/w...
4y, 18w reply
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