🧐 Nrmn Sitting at the vet in a full waiting room being the only one wearing a mask. What's wrong with yall?
🚴 Aditya Is this in Berlin? I hope you're distanced from them. I've heard people (somewhat) assume that Europeans are taking this more seriously... :\
4y, 18w 6 replies
Adsr Fellow Berliner. A few months ago someone spray-painted "Bill Gates created Corona" on my apartment building. There are all kinds of people everywhere. :/
4y, 18w 3 replies
❗ Gotter Personally, here in Germany, I have yet to see someone intentionally not wearing a mask in a store or similar, but the amount of videos and stories I hear of cases where that does happen saddens me. But all in all, I'm happy with how well most people have dealt with the situation here.
4y, 18w reply
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