Miso Favorite text editor?
👂 Sly neovim all the way!
4y, 14w 4 replies
🗨️ Fui What makes neovim great? Can you expound on that?
4y, 14w 3 replies
👂 Sly I've been using it for more than >12y, tried other editors but i always go back to (n)vim. Mostly there are three things that makes it my favorite editor: Modal editing, Extremely fast and Customizable, it runs everywhere.
4y, 14w 2 replies
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🗨️ Fui I'm curious. 12 years, huh? Definitely not a fad! I'll be checking it one of these days. Any tutorial you want to recommend?
4y, 13w 1 reply
👂 Sly Sure! Read this one first: yannesposito.com/S... then search on google for "openvim tutorial", it's an interactive tutorial that will teach you some useful commands and keys.
··· 4y, 13w reply