👉 Léo My native language, Portuguese, has a cool feature that English doesn't have. The word "ai" pronounced ah-ee means "there where you are". It pretty much can only be used in conversation. I like it because, unlike "there", it is completely unambiguous. Another cool feature: days of the week are just numbers. Monday is 2nd, Tuesday is 3rd, ... Friday is 6th.
Rsm Which complicates things for foreigners, figuring out the difference between ai, ali, and la ...
🗨️ Fui Ai (with an accent '): there, but on that place where you are. Ali: there, but over there where none of us are. La (again, with an accent '): Over there, but somewhere further, distant. The all convey placement, but with increasing scope in distance.
··· 4y, 6w 1 reply
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Rsm Good explanation!
4y, 6w reply