Diva How hot does it get where you live during the summer? We had a temperature of 36 degrees Celsius today, and let me tell you, we're just not used to that kind of heat here in London, UK!
🗨️ Fui Where I am, it's hot all year around. 25 on average now. Maybe 35 on peak summer days. Recite, Brazil.
4y, 20w 11 replies
Diva I've been to Recife! Many years ago - for Carneval. There were huge crowds and we all followed a giant chicken across a bridge. Great times!
4y, 20w 5 replies
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🗨️ Fui Yeah. The famous Galo da Madrugada. Do you believe I have never been to it? I'm here 7 years now and never found the will or the guts to join that folly. But everyone tells me it's a great experience -- you included.
4y, 19w 4 replies
Diva It's not for the faint hearted..! What do you usually do for Carneval?
4y, 19w 3 replies