Diva How hot does it get where you live during the summer? We had a temperature of 36 degrees Celsius today, and let me tell you, we're just not used to that kind of heat here in London, UK!
☕ Francesco After 2 weeks at 35-36 degrees, we had a drop of about 10 degrees yesterday. It's pouring rain and I am wearing an hoodie. Yikes.
Diva That sounds like my kinda day; I love the rain when I am indoors with a book, coffee and a hoodie!
4y, 6w 1 reply
🚴 Aditya I'm a sucker for a good book, coffee, and a hoodie myself. Throw in some pakoras (en.wikipedia.org/w...) and I'm all hnnngggh.
4y, 6w reply
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