👉 Léo I really doubt we will have people on the moon by 2024, as is the current plan. And that's if they don't end up canceling the Artemis program due to coronavirus related budget cuts.
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👨🏻‍💻 Moroni Guy is crazy, so I believe him: Elon Musk(2019): "Well, this is gonna sound pretty crazy, but I think we could land on the moon in less than two years. Certainly with an uncrewed vehicle I believe we could land on the moon in two years. So then maybe within a year or two of that we could be sending crew. I would say four years at the outside."..."If it were to take longer to convince NASA and the authorities that we can do it versus just doing it, then we might just do it."
··· 4y, 6w 1 reply
👉 Léo He definitely gets stuff done, but I don't believe his timeframe. People call it "Elon time"
··· 4y, 6w reply
☕ David Antoine Doubt it as well. If canceled it will probably be for political reasons depending on the next election results... Then the mission architecture itself is pretty bloated w/the orbital gateway, sinking further billions (SLS delta-V not able to reach the Moon, just the station in its orbit). And I'm not sure Moon direct missions will be done initially, you have to justify the use of the SLS/gateway. The good part is the international co-op. 2024 is a tight time frame indeed...
··· 4y, 6w reply