👉 Léo I am very much in favor of UBI and I am confident it will be adopted in the future. My one fear is it will not be implemented with a strong wealth tax system in place. UBI would still work, but would have the unintended consequence of separating even further the capital owners from the renters / consumers. If we don't like how much influence the 1% have in politics today, imagine if they were 1000x wealthier. Under those optics, UBI is a poweful anti-revolution tool.
🏀 Pr Agreed, I wonder how do you politically accomplish a wealth tax? at some point, the wealthy would rather pay off a few individuals a lot of money to sabotage it (or even just pay a ton of money in disinformation ads) than for it to ever pass. The poor are not united against the wealth of the 1%. You need a much larger portion of the population supporting making billionaires give up their wealth. everyone thinks they could be a billionaire though :/
👉 Léo Yeah, it is definitely a big issue. Also, wealthy people would try to find ways to either hide their wealth or invest it in some form of tax exemption. Things like art, bitcoin, or send it abroad. Your comment made me think of this scene from futurama: youtu.be/K_LvRPX0rGY
4y, 7w 1 reply
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🏀 Pr haha yes exactly!
4y, 7w reply