🉑 Vincent Leeuw Ever since Windows 8 was released, Windows lost the ability to consistently remember... window positions...? It's been going on for years and every time I boot, I have to move and resize windows yet again. It's got to the point that when I use macOS, I'm genuinely surprised a window has not moved since the last time I closed it.
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👨‍💻 Matthieu V. on my work machine I switched to a tiling window manager (i3wm) and it feels so much powerful than the old floating window system ! It require some tweaking to get it but it is way better IMHO
4y, 5w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin Xcode has a setting to restore the window position which is enabled by default. In the newest Windows frameworks developers have to implement the same behavior in code. I guess some apps aren't coded this way.
4y, 5w reply