😏 Yt L. Why is subreply so positive compared to Twitter which is often negative? Is it purely like and retweet counts? Number of users?
🥨 Shruthi I wonder what twitter was like in the early days? Also, seems like people are not really that political here (yet), which seems to be the source of much of twitter's meanness.
4y, 21w 3 replies
🚴 Aditya I hear you, and I definitely see some of it. I just want to add that I follow some football (soccer) based accounts and it's insane to read those threads. They're not political for the most part, just pure vitriol at times. Perhaps it's a reflection of politics becoming more like sports, my team vs your team, my party vs your party.
4y, 20w 1 reply
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Diva Oh no! Unfortunately, this tribalism is becoming more prevalent IRL and online.
4y, 20w reply