🧉 Martin A few years ago I decided to learn Esperanto (the constructed language). I now spend anywhere from a few hours to a few days per week speaking it with friends from around the world. AMA :) (or just shake your head disapprovingly)
👉 LĂ©o That is super cool. Have you ever found Esperanto being spoken anywhere randomly? Like go to a coffee shop and find a group of people speaking amongst themselves? Have you ever used it to speak to someone that does not speak English? In my experience, being a non-native speaker of English, I catch myself saying things that sound weird in English because I'm translating directly from my first language. Have you ever noticed that in Esperanto?
··· 4y, 7w 3 replies
🧉 Martin I was talking to others on a train in the UK, and a woman on the opposite table interrupted to ask if we were speaking Esperanto. That was surprising! Aside from that, I've only ever bumped into others during large events where the local town is flooded with 200+ speakers, so not so random. I have friends who simply don't speak English, and others who speak it badly... it's awesome to chat on a completely equal footing. RE anglicisms: when first learning, but very rarely now.
👉 LĂ©o That's great. And I compliment you on being able to fit answers to all my three questions within the 640 character limit.
4y, 7w 1 reply
🧉 Martin Haha, I appreciate your noticing it. I had to shift a few things around! I swear if it was 10x bigger I'd still fill it.
4y, 7w reply
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