🧉 Martin A few years ago I decided to learn Esperanto (the constructed language). I now spend anywhere from a few hours to a few days per week speaking it with friends from around the world. AMA :) (or just shake your head disapprovingly)
🧿 Andrea Where do you find people to speak out with? How did you learn?
4y, 21w 7 replies
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🧉 Martin It has a really active community of speakers, especially during this COVID period. During my time learning, I also attended some in-person events (some with over 200 people) which run for a week, so I made some good friends that way. There's now pretty much a full calendar of online events from all over the world (eventaservo.org). I learned via various books, events, and through plenty of practice.
4y, 21w 6 replies
🧿 Andrea Why did you decide to learn Esperanto and not Spanish? They seem very similar
4y, 21w 5 replies