👉 LÊo I've always been pro legalization of drugs. All drugs! It would reduce crime, mass incarceration, and save a ton of money. Also, people should be allowed to do whatever they want to their own bodies. More recently, I have come to realize that legalizing wouldn't solve the largest problem of all: why people get addicted in the first place. It would just make it easier for people that are addicted to obtain more and more drugs, potentially leading them to an earlier OD.
··· 4y, 8w 7 replies ¬
🍁 John J. Yeah, I go back 'n' forth on how much the care (or lack thereof) of young minds is at the root of most of society's problems. It isn't valued, as a discipline, yet, but norms seem to change at the human-lifetime scale, so I'm hopeful (today).
🤔 David If what you're saying can be interpreted as something along the lines of anti-intellectualism being at the root of society's problems, then I agree with you.
4y, 8w reply
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