Zeratul There is no passion here
🎣 Fish its a calm and less checked atmosphere. Theres no need to be here snd thats why its enjoyable for some. Great build for a small community that reminds me of my forum days
4y, 22w 6 replies
That Man Couldn't agree more on this. Not having to scroll endlessly like other counterparts and a chaos-free environment (not sure if that's going to be the case with influx of users in the future) is what brings me back to this site.
4y, 22w 4 replies
🎣 Fish i noticed a lot of people mention "the future" of this site. I see this more as being a beta tester for something that may never have "a future" like many expect so many social medias. I think its pretty enjoying already. Although more people can sometimes be nice i suppose
4y, 22w 3 replies
Burensasub You bring up a good point: does a social network like Subreply necessarily want growth? We have seen what unchecked growth has done to Facebook and Twitter...
4y, 22w 2 replies
🎣 Fish a little growth can go a long way. Additionally stagnation can destroy any community. Balance blah blah blah. This place will be alright
4y, 22w 1 reply
Burensasub It's true: an online community does need some growth so it won't wither away. I guess what I wanted to say is that the growth that Facebook and Twitter experienced is unlikely to ever happen again...nor would we want it to. For a while there were would-be Facebook competitors but most creators of online communities have given that up. Many people, disillusioned with Facebook want a smaller online community so there's a good chance many of them, like Subreply, will survive.
4y, 21w reply
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