😀 Tom I never thought I'd buy a Mac, but I saw a 2006 iMac at a thrift store, so I decided why not. 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, 24 inch screen 1920x1200, 250 GB of spinning rust. I'll look online to see what I can upgrade. A preliminary search shows that the Intel chipset will only recognize up to 3 GB of RAM. I'll see if I can replace the the HDD with an SSD, and maybe even the CPU.
Dan Heath The old Mac hardware stands up. It's a shame that some of the obsolete kit isn't supported through the newer OS versions but it's still a nice piece of hardware. I use 2x 2011 Mac mini as ESXi hosts. Nice SFF.
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