👂 Sly What is your note taking method/workflow ? And what tools do you use ?
💻 Kernel Currently experimenting with non-linear notetaking using Obsidian.md. It's the free version of Roam.
🍁 John J. Me too. What do you think so far? I'm very happy that spellchecking has been included recently. (Even if it is just a single dictionary.)
💻 Kernel It doesn't run as smooth on all my devices. I wish the graph view had some more options (showing tags and allowing more sorting). Also I don't like that there is a separate edit and a preview mode, when I'm taking lecture notes I want to be able to see inserted figures immediately. What do you think?
4y, 9w 1 reply
🍁 John J. Ah, interesting. I'm still in the early stages with it, to be honest. Runs really well on Linux, from my experience. I haven't really used the graph functionality much at all, and I didn't even take in that other mode distinction; pretty much working exclusively with text right now. I came to Obsidian as a means of building a zettelkasten; it, and my process, are both very much still in their infancy.
4y, 9w reply
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