💣 Zoid Who has any thoughts on the Twitter hack?
😏 Yt L. There have to be better way to monetize.
4y, 22w 4 replies
🥨 Shruthi in a strange coincidence twtr stock was exactly at the same spot 5 years ago as it is today: ibb.co/Q9b1bvr
4y, 22w 2 replies
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😏 Yt L. That is strange. I wonder if this will have a noticeable impact on their stock price. Do you think their stock will substantially fall tomorrow?
4y, 22w 1 reply
🥨 Shruthi seems to have taken a hit pre-market. my point above though is that as ubiquitous as twitter feels to a certain sort of person, they haven't grown their market cap in 5 years
4y, 22w reply