👂 Sly What is your note taking method/workflow ? And what tools do you use ?
🧉 Martin With regards to remembering things, I use Anki. It's old school, but by far still one of the best flash card apps. Flash cards combined with spaced repetition has been shown time and time again to be one of the most effective ways to remember things. I use it mostly for foreign language vocabulary, but sometimes other things I want to ensure stay available in my mind. Not note taking per se, but thought it was worth mentioning.
👂 Sly Thanks for sharing! Any tips on how to take notes while learning programming? I am having a difficult time finding a method that works, everything is 2 searches and 3 clicks away, it just feels unnecessary most of the time.
🔻 Trinity Even the most skilled programmers use DuckDuckGo constantly. It's unnecessary and sometimes even inefficient to memorize all the commands in a language because there are so many languages most people work in. That being said, when I started to learn to code I wrote down commands I used often - on paper! CLS, CD, ECHO, etc back when I got started on MS-DOS and was using BASIC. Might be a good idea if you still know how to write (I can't really anymore).
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