🧉 Martin So, what's everyone up to today? In my remaining few months of "funemployment", I'm working on a language-learning app idea and hoping to get something out there before I run out of time.
Ganesh Khade Are you using flutter?
4y, 23w 3 replies
🧉 Martin No. When I say app, I mean web app. It's Preact + TypeScript, with Go on the backend.
4y, 22w 2 replies
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Ganesh Khade Oh. Got it. Do you mostly use Go, for your projects? Can it replace, a full fledged framework like Django, or Rails? I means for a solo developer without much overhead.
4y, 22w 1 reply
🧉 Martin It's my first choice at the moment for backend code, yeah. I like its simplicity and minimalism. On the other hand, you tend to do a lot more yourself compared to working with something like Django or Rails. If you want the easier route, go with a full batteries-included framework. If you enjoy dealing with the lower-level mechanics and want something small and simple, Go is a good choice.
4y, 22w reply