❄️ Geoff What browser is everyone using these days? Anyone on Microsoft Edge?
🌳 Arthur Segalas I'm on Safari right now. The best browser for macOS in my opinion, since it is heavily optimised for that platform.
4y, 23w 3 replies
❄️ Geoff How's the pugin ecosystem?
4y, 23w 2 replies
🌳 Arthur Segalas Terrible to be honest. I don't use a lot of plugins, apart from an ad blocker, remembear and are.na, so no a dealbreaker for me. But if you use a laptop, try it for a week and you might be surprised by the amount of extra battery time you get compared to, say Google Chrome.
4y, 23w 1 reply
🧉 Martin +1 for battery performance in Safari. Chrome was eating too much. Apparently they're going to dramatically improve that in macOS Chrome soon, though.
4y, 23w reply
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