🧠 Foo Anyone else starting to feel burned out by working from home? Most of my friends seem to be loving it, but I feel like I'm in the minority and enjoy going into the office a few times a week.
🌌 Tom I definitely think a balance is needed. my current position is full time WFH and it certainly has its benefits, but I do miss the office environment from time to time
4y, 23w 2 replies
👁️ Mbladra What do you miss about it?
4y, 23w 1 reply
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🌌 Tom the 'buzz' for want of a better word - spontaneous conversations with colleagues, team lunches, company-wide meetings etc. slack is great in that it allows our current team of ~15 people to be distributed all over Europe, but it will never provide that same 'buzz'
4y, 23w reply