Xy has anyone else felt that livestreaming / long form podcasts could be one potential solution for fake news? many companies will do r&d to make things more difficult to copy. the length of a livestream or long form podcast adds that level of complexity.
🥨 Shruthi Follow up question: is fake news as much of a problem as people seem to think?
4y, 23w 8 replies
🔻 Trinity Yes. I wrote propaganda before the fake news "crisis" was considered so, and it was (and still is) concerningly easy to get people to believe anything you write. Hitler's propaganda was an excellent blueprint - make big lies, not small falsehoods - but I bet in the future agencies will look at the Donald Trump campaign (and presidency) as their inspiration. The new frontier is in Internet memes. I'm not a nazi btw, I was just 12 and bored.
4y, 23w reply
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