Xy has anyone else felt that livestreaming / long form podcasts could be one potential solution for fake news? many companies will do r&d to make things more difficult to copy. the length of a livestream or long form podcast adds that level of complexity.
🥨 Shruthi Follow up question: is fake news as much of a problem as people seem to think?
4y, 23w 8 replies
🗿 Simohamed In my country, It's sensational news that are the real threat. I wish I could explain, but bums are given huge amounts of airtime and national attention for weeks on end. Or, outright silly news. A man loves his goat and vows not to slaughter it comes Al-Eid (religious holiday) is apparently news. And TikTok has not been kind to us at all.
4y, 23w reply
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