📉 Bill What will the economy be like in 1 year?
🗜️ Mx The SPY will keep going up until November. Then, depending on the US elections outcome it may stay there or crash.
📉 Bill So you don't think polling has any effect on equity sentiment? Is Biden/trump a toss up? I bet it's going to get interesting when we start getting into the debate sessions
🗜️ Mx Polling does have effect on equity sentiment. The volume of SPY put contracts tripled when Elizabeth Warren was the DNC front runner. However, I'm not seeing any Trump/Biden effect yet. Then again, with these weird COVID times, who knows ...
📉 Bill Yes the central banks and government response to COVID is unprecedented in modern times. Very interesting to see how that plays out over the long term.
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🌋 Pod Unk Inflation printer go BRRRRRRRR
4y, 9w 1 reply
📉 Bill The alternative to inducing inflation at this point in the business cycle is massive deflation breaking the entire global economy. Think no food on shelves It's the lesser of two evils.
4y, 9w reply