📉 Bill What will the economy be like in 1 year?
🗜️ Mx The SPY will keep going up until November. Then, depending on the US elections outcome it may stay there or crash.
📉 Bill So you don't think polling has any effect on equity sentiment? Is Biden/trump a toss up? I bet it's going to get interesting when we start getting into the debate sessions
🗜️ Mx Polling does have effect on equity sentiment. The volume of SPY put contracts tripled when Elizabeth Warren was the DNC front runner. However, I'm not seeing any Trump/Biden effect yet. Then again, with these weird COVID times, who knows ...
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📉 Bill Yes the central banks and government response to COVID is unprecedented in modern times. Very interesting to see how that plays out over the long term.
🌋 Pod Unk Inflation printer go BRRRRRRRR
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