Ganesh Khade What do you recommend, Vim, Sublime Text or VS Code for a newbie? I used to recommed VS Code, but everyone I recommend complained about, how slow it was than Sublime Text.
Stoyan Zhekov Depends on what is your goal. Vim is great if you are going to work on servers (system administration) - pretty much every UNIX derivate have a version on vi by default. For programming - VS Code - modern IDE, good support, frequent updates. Sublime is an editor, while VS code is an IDE, so comparison is not very fare. Atom... better stay away - wrapper around Chrome, making it looks like an editor...
4y, 23w 2 replies
Daedalus Most would say VScode is an editor that is approaching IDE level features. But still an editor nonetheless. Do you mean Visual Studio?
4y, 23w 1 reply
Stoyan Zhekov I mean - an it is IDE, for sure. Have not only editing files (like editors), but also GIT integration, Run/Debug programs and even deployment to Azure for interested.
4y, 23w reply
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