Aabbaabbaa It might be better if Explore > Recent showed all recent posts not just ones with replies. It's too similar to Trending/Today at the moment and would help with starting conversations.
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Fc Agreed. Enhancement request. Pow.
10y, 19w reply
Dave Walk +1. Recent seems to often be posts from someone with a lot of followers because they have a better chance of getting a reply or direct to someone. It would be sweet if Recent was some combination of all new posts with posts with res bubbling up to the top a little bit and staying around longer. More complex but more effective for new conversations.
10y, 19w reply
Tyler Deitz Yeah. I can see that only showing res with reres (lol) is a good way to filter for quality, but that's what the trending page is for.
10y, 20w reply
Anthony Nguyen Would love to see this implemented!
10y, 20w reply