Erik R. This is either going to be Reddit for very smart people, or Twitter for the alt right. Let's see which way it goes.
😾 Oskar Is HN crowd alt-right? I see frustration brewing there often, but it's more of a 'I'm stuck at coding embedded sys for oil company at 240k/yr' kind of a thing than 'I hate poor people'
4y, 23w 7 replies
Mihail I like to think of them - as a group - as people with above average intelligence who value critical thinking above all else. A certain degree of liberalism on social issues, emphasis on individual & economic freedom, aversion to political correctness. The best of all worlds really.
4y, 23w 1 reply
☕ Christopher Yeah, I agree with this assessment. While generalizations are inherently inaccurate your comment best describes the majority of the HN community I'm familiar with. We can only guess the motive to disingenuously correlate HN with the alt-right. I think that perhaps some people have a conditioned emotional response when presented with the idea of aversion to political correctness.
4y, 23w reply
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