🦄 Chip Uni Lots of us here are programmers. What's your favorite programming language, and why?
Ice probably rust, brainfuck, with a sprinkle of fortran77
4y, 23w 2 replies
🎲 Jamie Rust sounds wonderful, though I'm yet to give it a try :) I'm worried that I will resort to liberal amounts of unsafe code in a desire to get things done -- do you find that this is the case?
4y, 23w 1 reply
Ice sorry to disappoint -- I'm highly incompetent in all 3 of the languages I mentioned. currently learning rust though! building a toy dbms. not that I'm qualified to answer your question, but I haven't found that unsafe is anything I've to resort to yet, and my code isn't utterly trivial.
4y, 23w reply
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