Mihail Has the pandemic impacted your mental health? How are you holding up?
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🦄 Chip Uni I've been suffering worse from depression. My hopes for my birthday -- a longish travel through South America -- have been blown away. I haven't been able to meet friends. An annual convention I founded won't meet physically. So, it's been tough. But I'm doing what I can to keep my spirits up.
4y, 23w 1 reply
Mihail Thanks for sharing. I wish you the best!
4y, 23w reply
Jayden I was quarantined for a fortnight and received a wellness check from the government near the end of it. When the lady was asking how I was doing I interpreted it as did I have all the supplies I needed. Didn't occur to me that being locked away for two weeks was something that could be devastating. So yeah it hasn't been too big of a deal, I was living a lockdown lifestyle before it was cool.
4y, 23w reply