🐢 Xia I don't see my parents often, because we live far away from each other. When visiting this weekend it turned out my dad believes in wild conspiracy theories around Covid and more. We had a discussion, an argument about it and it only ended because my mom could not stand us getting angry. We didn't talk about it after that and I feel this stands between us and I'm disappointed and sad. I even thought about leaving early. I always thought highly of my dad and now, I don't know.
🧐 Nrmn People who fell into that rabbit hole will have a hard time to come out of it again. Conspiracy theories are self-feeding and self-ensuring. The only way is to help him see the contradictions without pushing him to much. If you push too much, he'll only slip further down into the hole unfortunately.
4y, 9w 1 reply
🐢 Xia It just came so out of the blue. I've known him as a rational and down to earth man and that took me by surprise. I was trying to be calm and rational and show him the contradictions. But in the end I was trying too hard and that didn't make it any better.
4y, 9w reply
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