🍵 Neo I want a peaceful life
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🔮 Pavel Papirosov you may need to become a hermit
4y, 9w 1 reply
🍵 Neo I would still love me some social interaction, of course!
4y, 8w reply
💀 Luca Wouldn't it get boring after a while?
🍵 Neo Peaceful doesn't mean I can't have fun!
4y, 9w reply
🐅 Perrohunter It's like Twitter at the beginning but without the egg avatars
4y, 9w reply
💻 Kernel How would a perfect day in that peaceful life look like? I'm curious because not everyone has the same idea on 'peaceful'.
4y, 10w 3 replies
🍵 Neo I've always dreamt of having a spouse I would spend time with, in a nice area of Japan away from the city. We would have a garden, a Shiba Inu, and we would go to the local market to purchase groceries. We would listen to music together. You know, just enjoy each other and just live life, not just experience it. A quiet, peaceful, and simple life.
4y, 10w 2 replies