Sergiusz This place is like those ancient messages from the Talos Principle: simple, vivid thoughts; shadows of souls.
💻 Kernel I attempted a project a few months ago where I tried to recreate the talks with Milton by parsing the script from the game files. Maybe some better programmer than me can succeed in this task?
4y, 16w 4 replies
Sergiusz I am thinking about it for some time now
4y, 16w 3 replies
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💻 Kernel Do you have experience with programming? We could try to take this on as a joint project.
4y, 16w 2 replies
Sergiusz I feel good with C and HDLs, I've done some (even AI/ML) things in Python and I use it for my hobby projects, but I would not say that I am "good". We can give it a try tho!
4y, 15w 1 reply