🤔 John I'm working on a new portfolio website, hoping to combine some microblog, html experiments, etc in one place. What are some of the best portfolio sites you've seen?
Eric I always try and keep an eye on DesignerNews, you get some good portfolios posted there regularly. I'd advise against having a blog unless you're committed to posting regularly on it. Too often there's portfolios with absolutely dead blogs which don't come off well imo.
6y, 31w 3 replies
🤔 John Thanks, I forgot about DesignerNews completely. And great point about the blog, I'm still considering what form / topics I can commit myself to writing regularly on before anything goes live.
6y, 31w 2 replies
Eric DN is great but always seems such a waste of potential, the site always feels just a little empty. Perhaps you should write a few articles in draft before putting a platform for them online?
6y, 30w 1 reply
🤔 John I'll have to look again, but one successful blogger said he needs to have 100's of posts in draft status to eliminate content anxiety.
6y, 9w reply
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