🏒 Lucian Marin I wish YouTube or SoundCloud use machine learning to actually recommend similar sounding tracks. Recommendations are still based on what people liked.
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Nkrs Last.fm did the same thing, and what's worse, they didn't disambiguate artists who had the same name, so their recommendations were always hit and miss. It had groups though, where you could ask for recommendations from other listeners and fans; that was always the best way to find new music there.
7y, 5w reply
Mark Dain YouTube does use machine learning / some form of AI, although it prefers maximum viewing time over quality so is choaking channels like Veritasium, and promoting stuff that's basically endless streams of clickbait. Wouldn't surprise me if it did a shitty job with music too. One YouTuber I watch has opened a vid.me account due to, I think, getting demonetized automatically by the AI, and I hope more follow. YouTube really sucks these days.
7y, 5w reply