🏒 Lucian Marin I open sourced the last two of my personal projects: notes.lucianmarin.com at github.com/lucianm... and photos.lucianmarin... at github.com/lucianm... -- enjoy! You can easily install them on any shared hosted service.
Martijn Always good to see personal projects get open-sourced! I recently did the same for a small wiki thing I run on my server github.com/Zegnat/... The line "generated md5 of your password" gave me a small heart attack though
7y, 14w 9 replies
Nkrs That looks very neat. I've been working on and off on a wiki-like app for a while, but mine uses Creole instead of Markdown and SQLite for storage. Looking forward to see how you'll improve yours.
7y, 13w 2 replies
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Martijn I looked into wikicreole.org for a second, but it felt like development was at a standstill. Instead I am looking at Markdown libraries that allow extensions and am planning to add a linking syntax for wiki pages on top of it.
7y, 13w 1 reply
Nkrs What made me turn to Creole was that syntax extensions were thought of at the time it was designed, so if there's something missing in the original syntax, I can add it back in easily. But I guess it all boils down to preference, and most of these languages are very similar in way they look anyway.
7y, 13w reply