😀 Tom Anyone here watch The Expanse (TV series on SyFy)?
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John Olinda Yes. Yes. Yes.
7y, 21w reply
☕ David Antoine Yes, saw S01, I'm watching S02 (mid-season). I like it a lot though I think Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009) is better. It's well done and I like the fact that it stays around the solar system, with a more "grounded" political intrigue... I didn't read the books. There is also Dark Matter, it's nice as well, it reminds me a little bit of Firefly. Those are my three favorite in space Sci-Fi TV shows... For now.
7y, 22w 2 replies
😀 Tom I'll have to try out Dark Matter.
7y, 22w reply
Kodo I've seen every episode of all the above. what is wrong with me....
7y, 21w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin Yes, I started watching season two recently. I find the first season a little more interesting than this one.
7y, 22w 1 reply
😀 Tom I agree. I'm a bit disappointed it doesn't quite follow the books, but I guess smarter people than figured out that wouldn't make for good TV. Then again, are there any TV shows or movies that follow their respective books perfectly?
7y, 22w reply