🏒 Lucian Marin I wondered why Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 is so polished and stable. Now I get my answer. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will ship with GNOME desktop, not Unity. Finally some good news from my favorite Linux distribution. GNOME is unstoppable. Ubuntu on servers is unstoppable. Both will finally meet in 2018. Sublevel is powered by 16.04 LTS and it will still be powered by Ubuntu in 3 years.
😀 Tom I'm running Ubuntu GNOME 16.04. It's a bit buggy. The extensions in Tweak Tool really make GNOME awesome though. I'm looking forward to 18.04.
7y, 23w 2 replies
Kodo I think they should just merge tweak tool into settings.
7y, 22w reply
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