Jason Pittam It's been 2 year and 2 months. Whoa. What's your passion?
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Mark Dain Welcome back! I guess I love security, making things resistant to being tampered with. This has multiple layers; making systems redundant so they are better resistant to denial of service attacks or have fewer single point of failures. Closely related to security is networking and cryptography; other topics I enjoy learning about or using.
7y, 44w reply
😀 Tom Wow, you've got me beat by a month. I was surprised a few weeks ago when I noticed it's been two years. I didn't realize it's been that long. I suppose my passion is Scouting. I've been in Scouts for over 20 years, starting when I was 5 years old. I'm an Eagle Scout, and now an Assistant Scoutmaster. I love camping, hiking, and backpacking. I want to be a role model and help shape the leaders of tomorrow. Scouting opens up lots of possibilities for the youth to experience, learn, and do things they otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity for.
7y, 44w reply