Mark Dain MAN VS MACHINE! Windows 10 is installed!
Nkrs But is it any good?
7y, 43w 2 replies
Mark Dain With Boot Camp, yeah it's actually really nice! The bundle drivers and you can setup two finger scrolling and so on... I just installed Visual Studio community edition. I can't say how the experience is until I've tried it a bit longer. It's worth pointing out I use Windows Server at work every day and Windows 10 on my gaming PC so I'm well versed in Windows.
7y, 43w 1 reply
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Nkrs We're still using Windows 7 at work which I am comfortable with (last Windows I used personally before fully switching to Linux). I've seen and used a couple of Windows 10 machines and it's a bit confusing: the new flat design offers very little visual hierarchy and I've had trouble finding my way around basic applications. It's probably just my own perception and I guess it would only take some time to get familiar with it - just like it did during the first two weeks of Linux when I made the switch.
7y, 43w reply