🐹 Adam Minccino This is the future of microblogging.
Mark Dain Hi, welcome to Sublevel! Lots of people coming from Twitter lately, what's happening over there?
7y, 43w 3 replies
🐹 Adam Minccino Election related stuff
7y, 42w 2 replies
Mark Dain Yeah I heard a lot of pro-Trump accounts are being banned. That just makes other spaces online more of an echo chamber and reinforces the "us or them" mentality.
7y, 42w 1 reply
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☕ David Antoine A lot of shadow banning as well apparently... That "us or them" mentality is kind of a divide and conquer strategy we should not fall for. I just found an interesting short video about free speech which explain the situation better than I could. It was done mid-2015 but still resonates well with the current situation : youtube.com/watch?...
7y, 42w reply