Mark Dain You know it's bad when you're thinking of using tables because you can't these damn divs to behave correctly
Martijn I was thinking of using tables today at work, just to get some stuff vertically-responsive-100%-height-filling. Can't use flexbox because of browser support.
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🏒 Lucian Marin You can do that without flexbox or tables using this CSS class: .vertical-center { position: absolute; margin: auto; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; height: 100%; } Change height to any size that you want.
Martijn I have 2 elements, the first of variable height, where the second needs to fill "the remaining space" vertically. But because I don't know the height of the first element for sure (due to the text possibly wrapping when the user change the window width) I can't set the `top` correctly for the second element.
8y, 4w 1 reply
Xasasfdasfd You guys remind me of how much I have to be thankful for in that I'm working on a 100% back-end/infrastructure component at the moment. My UI is the command line!
Mark Dain That sounds nice! I'd love to do purely backend work! What sort of work do you do?
8y, 4w 1 reply